DOOM wurde auf Quantencomputer portiert und kann nun auf einem Quantencomputer mit Quandoom-Portierung ausgeführt werden


  1. thingandstuff on

    …when did we get *actual* quantum computers?

    I understand we’ve been making progress in quantum computation but I didn’t know we actually had developed technologies that run on these ideas. Am I missing something?

  2. SynthRogue on

    And how is running it on a quantum computer different than running it on a classical computer?

  3. About damn time. Doom can and should be ported to everything on the planet, no exceptions.

  4. jerrrrremy on

    But can it run on a quantum computer while the quantum computer is turned on and also quantum computer? 

  5. SnooSuggestions7685 on

    does this mean i may or may not have already played it? and finished before i started?

  6. >If you want to play Quandoom on your PC, once you have downloaded the files from GitHub, all you have to do is drag the Quandoom.qasm file onto the simulator (simulator.exe). Please note that the file will take some time to load, requiring about 5-6GB of RAM.

    Not sure whether QASM emulation is that heavy, or the DOOM implementation is not optimized. Anyone know?

  7. jackboner724 on

    Isn’t that how the portal gets opened in the first place???!! Good God Man! Stop!

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