Der Kreml plant, seinen Verteidigungshaushalt um 23 % auf 145 Milliarden US-Dollar zu erhöhen, was 6,2 % des BIP des Landes ausmacht. Die Ausgaben wären höher als die Gesamtfinanzierung für Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung, Sozialpolitik und Wirtschaft zusammen.


  1. Turbulent_Advance709 on

    If EU’s GDP is 17 trillion, and if they invest just 1%, it’s bigger. And unlike Russia they still have reserves. So what’s EU doing wrong here?

  2. Outside-Chest6715 on

    Who need educatiin there ? Young mens are only born to die for Putin and his friend which are stealing in the meanwhile all the country assets.

  3. MasterofLockers on

    If true, they’re destroying the future of the country for at least the next couple of generations. Genuinely mind-blowing.

  4. florkingarshole on

    No worries; the Colonels and Generals will just pocket most of that, and the contractors will soak up the rest . . . They might try to refit the KutzNutzoff again or something.

  5. RottenPingu1 on

    Comparing it to GDP is an interesting metric but as we know, GDP can misrepresent the economy. I’d rather go with % of annual budget.

  6. PoliticalCanvas on

    Yes, in 2022-2024 years, as it was in 2014 year, West gave to Kremlin time and resources (only in 2022-2023 years EU+NATO countries spent on Russian export ~$450B) possibility to continue war/escalation…

    It’s not news, it’s created by West years old reality.

  7. The great devaluation of ruble is coming, there is 0 possible ways they will increase their spending without losing the value of ruble by 30-40%

  8. sunstersun on

    Given cheaper Russian salaries and stuff, in real terms it’s probably closer to 250 billion.

    1/3rd roughly of the US budget.

  9. No worries peeps.. noway russia spends so much on education healthcare social policies and economy

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