Meinung: Die Lebensmittelindustrie beklagt ständig den Arbeitskräftemangel. Ist es wirklich wahr?


  1. horce-force on

    They dont want to pay a living wage for disgusting work in awful conditions. Are they surprised nobody domestic will work there?

  2. CitySeekerTron on

    I’d say that labour is a commodity subject to market forces, but I’d be dismissed as a Marxist.

  3. InitiativeOk5760 on

    It is all bullsh#t to replace Canadians with cheaper labour and if you think I am wrong about this Fkoff and grow a brain!

  4. Any business that crys for TFW’s doesn’t deserve to be in business because they only want slave labour. You know what fixes this? Competition, Canada should start up a new business tax exemption for Canadians to compete against these types of jobs. Make it 10 years of no taxes until the business hits 10 million dollars profit.

    Call it the “Ten to Ten pipeline to Canadian health.”

  5. InternalOcelot2855 on

    I know at least 5-6 people late 20-30 would take a full-time job at these places with something decent for wages. They have no skill but need something.

  6. WontSwerve on

    When’s the last time they offered raises?

    London has high unemployment, if they wanted to hire Canadians for 20 bucks an hour they could.

  7. KeySpace333 on

    There is no such thing as a “labor shortage”. It is a myth akin to the leprechaun’s pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The only thing we are experiencing is a shortage in companies willing to pay a living wage and a shortage of companies willing to offer first world working conditions in a first world country.

    We need legislation that any company that claims to have a labor shortage should have to have their finances (including the finances of their executives) audited by the Canada Revenue Agency. That will cut these bogus claims down to near-zero. We would never hear the term “labor shortage” again if we did that.

  8. SnuffleWumpkins on

    They have a shortage of labor that’s willing to work for the pittance they’re willing to pay.

  9. Outrageous_Floor4801 on

    This is a wage problem not a worker problem. 

    People can’t afford to work at jobs that don’t pay enough to cover the costs of food and shelter.

  10. Lots of young people looking to work jobs with actual living wages. I feel like the minimum wage needs to go up again. The race to the bottom needs to stop.

  11. MisterSprork on

    Starve them of labour and shop at your local farmers market. Fuck these corporations, they are over charging you under-paying their workers and starving farmer by paying the absolute bottom price on primary products.

  12. Chairman_Mittens on

    “Labour shortages” means that they don’t have an unlimited supply of desperate workers willing to work high-turnover jobs for minimum wage. If they increased wages, people would turn up and stick around for these jobs. It’s all about wage suppression, never forget that.

  13. Cargill. That’s fuckin funny. They’re why T-bone steaks are almost $30 each and they’re crying poor.

    Cattle farmers get how much of that?

  14. False_Boysenberry458 on

    You mean all the immigration isn’t filling these low level jobs? Thanks Trudeau.

  15. Spiritual_Tennis_641 on

    Pay a real wage, no labour shortage, pack and leave if you can’t others will happily do the job!

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