Drohnen- und Raketenangriffe im September. Sieht das so aus, als ob Russland Frieden will?


Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    In Sept, russia attacked Ukraine w/ drones every single day, having launched 1,339 shaheds or 44 drones per day on average. The largest one-time attack included 72 drones on Sept 14. Those numbers do not regard cruise & ballistic missiles or KAB bombs.

    Does russia want peace?

    Source: https://x.com/OlenaHalushka/status/1840767568476311937

  2. hodgkinthepirate on

    One thing centuries of history can teach you: Russia has a history of engaging in untrustworthy actions. To say that they “want peace” is a lie. If Russia truly wanted peace, it wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine.

    Examine, if you will, the things Russia has done:

    – Genocide

    – Forced assimilation

    – Invading and attacking peaceful countries

    – Ending empires

    – Historical revisionism

    – Betraying other countries (case in point, Poland)

  3. ichbinverwirrt420 on

    It’s so fucking stupid. I never see them attacking military infrastructure and certain parties in Germany keep defending them.

  4. RonConComa on

    Looks like the hit on the ammunition depots put the rocket stockpile into smoke. Time to find the shahed factory.

  5. LowsecStatic on

    Those drone factories could’ve been blown up by now, but muh escalation

  6. CannonFodder33 on

    Orcs are confused by the homonyms peace and piece(s). Its too hard for them.

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