Frankreichs rechtsextreme Führerin Marine Le Pen steht im mit Spannung erwarteten EU-Unterschlagungsfall vor Gericht


  1. IndistinctChatters on

    Can someone please explain me like I am 5 why all the pro zrussia politicians are the most corrupt?

  2. GuyLookingForPorn on

    What on earth is it with nationalists and embezzlement? Same happened with the Scottish National Party here in Scotland.

  3. The Europeans are making the same mistake with her that the United States did with Trump.

    Far-right groups feed off of this kind of political theatre.

    When Donald Trump got charged, the first thing he said to the cameras when he got outside was “they want to come after YOU but they can only get to me.”

    She’s 100% going to hold this up as evidence the EU is scared of her and are trying to silence and remove her. This does nothing but fuel their base. This has the reverse effect that the EU thinks it will have. People don’t care about financial crimes when they’re in the streets rioting over ethnic issues related to immigration.

    Those are two different spheres. They do not share the same space.

  4. betterwithsambal on

    Push your nationalist, racist views for russian kickbacks… like real world russian roulette, eh Ms. Le Pen?

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