Die Ukraine wird Russland besiegen und die Vereinigten Staaten werden Kiew weiterhin unterstützen. Kiew braucht derzeit dringend eine stärkere Luftverteidigung und die Erlaubnis, westliche Langstreckenwaffen einzusetzen, um Ziele tief im Inneren Russlands anzugreifen.



  1. Both_Objective8219 on

    I do not agree. I think huminatarian aid is great. Its not our war.

  2. Anothermindlessanon on

    This land has suffered so many calamities through many centuries of its existence (which Russian deny altogether), and still they persist. Contrary to many other “problem regions” they are fully committed to Western and democratic values and have many valuable resources (including the most fertile soil in the world) that they are willing to share with the West, if only it would help them escape the systematic abuse from Russia.

    Please don’t let the support die! Ukraine isn’t a “lost cause” and is more than willing to give it all for a chance of a brighter and better future!

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