Laut Hamas wurde hochrangiges Hamas-Mitglied und UNRWA-Mitarbeiter in Tyrus getötet


  1. After the war, UNWRA needs to be dismantled. Real refugees can be supported by UNHCR. There is no need for a separate organization only for Palestinians

  2. SirPolymorph on

    I wonder how long it will take for the Iranian sphere of influence to self implode, when everyone starts realising that they stand alone against a 21st century nuclear superpower with 70+ years of wartime experience.

  3. Wide_Syrup_1208 on

    UNRWA – educating children for war for 75 years and going.

  4. If you thought the title meant two different people, one a Hamas member and one an UNRWA staffer, I got some bad news for you…

  5. The UN declaration condemning Israel for this is going to require even more mental gymnastics than usual.

  6. Swimming_Profit8857 on

    Lebanese people who want a normal country must be very Tyred of these terrorist tyros.

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