Irland überrascht Weltmeister Neuseeland in WXV1

Von epeeist


  1. The Irish women’s rugby team played their first match of the top-tier WXV1 last night and came away with a 29-27 win over the Black Ferns (currently world #2s.)

    Last season Ireland was playing international rugby in the third division against teams like Kazakhstan and Colombia, so this is a massive result and huge vindication for the players’ hard work.

  2. qwerty_1965 on

    This tournament is on BBC red button channel all week but dunno if it’s live

  3. RuggerJibberJabber on

    This is great news, but they really need to market the women’s team better. I follow rugby, and this is the first time I’m seeing “wxv1”. That could literally mean anything to someone who isn’t familiar with it. It looks like a name Elon Musk would come up with. Also, the games themselves are barely advertised either. I’d have watched that if I knew it was on.

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