[OC] Bevölkerungswachstumsrate nach Regionen (1924 vs. 2024)

Von creative_kiddo


  1. creative_kiddo on

    I used Canva/Gemini to make this. I hope you like it.

    The population estimates for 1924 and 2024 come from a mix of historical data and projections from organizations like the **United Nations** and the **World Bank**.

    * **United Nations World Population Prospects**: [UN Population Data](https://population.un.org/wpp/)
    * **World Bank Population Statistics**: [World Bank Population Data](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL)

    * **Maddison Project Database**: [Maddison Project]()

  2. LittleBirdyLover on

    Is it just me or are all the regions selected for this comparison really arbitrary. 3 are subregions and 3 are continents. There’s nothing tying these places together, so the comparison is meaningless.

    Also, we don’t know constitutes some of these regions. Is Russia considered eastern Europe? Is Turkey part of Middle East?

  3. You_meddling_kids on

    No Oceania, you highlight the difference by percentage, but it’s on the top column? What are the blue columns exactly?

    Why are Eastern and Western Europe divided and which countries belong to which? Middle East isn’t a continent, etc, etc…

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