„Unwirklich“: Massiver Widerstand, nachdem Trump bei der letzten Kundgebung „zugegeben hat, dass er seine Arbeiter verärgert hat“.



  1. newnewtonium on

    Donald Trump is renowned for not paying his bills. He’s a scumbag.

  2. magneta2024 on

    It’s really sad how he talks to his followers and audience honestly. He feels like he can lie about whatever and say whatever to them, even to this point now…where he literally said he doesn’t like to pay to workers, when the majority of the people there spending their time to give that to him (not to mention money) are likely workers themselves. We try to help them see. Not sure what else any of us can do but pray that they wake up from the deception.

  3. stairs_3730 on

    I’m convinced he does not want to win this thing. No one would be that dumb as to say that with a straight face and expect people to vote for you. No one! Unless you didn’t care.

  4. Tiggerbeeman on

    All the contractors that lost their businesses because this piece of filth screwed them out of money.He deserves what is coming for him.

  5. plunkadelic_daydream on

    Incredibly dumb comments coming from the former president, but it isn’t a massive pushback unless it’s on the front page on mainstream media outlets.

  6. cheesyshop on

    It doesn’t matter what he says because he’ll say something equally as bad tomorrow and this story will soon be forgotten.

  7. Unfriendly_eagle on

    And then he started making bizarre faces, and flailing his arms around jerkily like a complete spazz.

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