Das Arch-Linux-Team arbeitet jetzt direkt mit Valve zusammen – SteamOS und Arch dürften beide stark profitieren | Toms Hardware



  1. StoNelChillBro on

    So now the sentence *I use Arch, btw* will go from being associated with insufferable nerds to being associated with insufferable gamers.

    Not much of an improvement.

  2. JustMrNic3 on

    I wish Valve would do the same for the awesome KDE non-profit organization!

    That makes the aawesome Plasma desktop envrionement for desktops and laptops:


    And Plasma Big Screen for TVs and projectors:


    And Plasma Mobile for portable devices:


    And the the awesome KDE connect remote control / syncronization tool:


    Besides a ton of other great programs:


  3. WarAndGeese on

    Hopefully this doesn’t corrupt Arch, it’s a great distribution and it would be unfortunate for it to go corporate or get corporate influence.

  4. SerialBitBanger on


    Time to switch to Gentoo to keep my street cred.

    (I really do use Arch)

  5. I remember [Quake 3 coming out for linux](https://web.archive.org/web/20181022232458/http://linux.sys-con.com/node/32874) in 2001 and thinking “Yes! This is it! Gaming for linux is really here!” Still have my Loki Games Quake 3 tin. Then Loki Games went bankrupt and the dream died.

    When Valve released Steam for Linux in 2013, I was ready for it go nowhere. Maybe a few games and then their pet project loses interest in the company. But they invested non-trivial resources in it. They brought about a revolution in 3D driver support for linux, and just keep giving. Proton is amazing! Valve, thank you!

  6. TacoCatSupreme1 on

    Will we have to download a 120 page new user manual to make it work ?

  7. cornmonger_ on

    Linux benefits as a whole

    It’s kind of an exciting time for linux:
    – Wayland hitting critical mass
    – System76 and COSMIC
    – Arch and Valve, Steamdeck
    – Kernel and Rust

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