Umwelt- und Energieminister bieten Jagmeet Singh ein Briefing zur CO2-Bepreisung an | CBC-Nachrichten


  1. Kicksavebeauty on

    Quotes from this news report:

    “In a letter sent to Singh on Friday, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson say it’s very disappointing the NDP has fallen for what they call the Conservatives’ “disinformation campaign” on the climate policy.”

    “Singh responded with a letter attacking Guilbeault’s record.”

    “There are no lessons to take from you about fighting the climate crisis, because your record is one of broken promises, watered-down policies, and caving to oil and gas lobbyists,” he wrote.”

    “He told Guilbeault that “yes, Pierre Poilievre is lying about the price of pollution and lying about the federal rebates, but you have also pitted communities and regions of the country against each other and your loopholes have let the biggest polluters off the hook.”

    “The NDP’s pivot on the consumer carbon price comes as the Conservatives call for an early election that they are framing as a referendum on the Liberal climate policy.”

    “Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has promised to “axe” the consumer carbon levy, blaming it for worsening affordability.”

    “The parliamentary budget officer has estimated that eight out of 10 households in jurisdictions that have the federal backstop receive more money in rebates than they pay in carbon pricing.”

  2. I wonder what they are going to offer him to get him drinking lhe kool-aid again. The NDP has nothing to lose as they are getting wiped out with the liberals anyway.

  3. WasabiNo5985 on

    the idea that carbon tax does not impact inflation or the economy is just nonsense.

    if so please explain why germany is struggling economically once it started to deal with high energy prices. please explain why asian govts go out of their way to lower energy costs.

    The idea that increasing the cost of energy wouldn’t affect the rest of the economy or the cost of production or logistics is so ridiculous and it’s such a basic knowledge that I don’t even know how these morons came to this conclusion.

  4. Screw_You_Taxpayer on

    Singh is a stronger man than I.  If I was being threatened with a presentation from Steven Guilbeault, I’d cave immediately.

  5. Cultural-Birthday-64 on

    It was interesting to see Trudeau on Colbert saying Canadians are unfairly mad at him due to the high price of fuel when one of his central policies is to increase the price of fuel.

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