Verärgerte Amazon-Mitarbeiter bewerben sich nach Andy Jassys RTO-Mandat wahnsinnig um neue Stellen


  1. jerrystrieff on

    Dell pulled this shit on me – hired me for a remote position and then 3 months in said I needed to drive to an office an hour away. I said piss off and left. These companies are stupid because they lose talent when they pull this shit.

  2. EBFGPoseidon on

    I got a 33% raise rage applying fresh out of Covid because I accepted an offer. I highly recommend.

  3. No_Balls_01 on

    This RTO shit is enraging. For a little while I thought we would be in a golden age of work opportunities. Corporate greed is so toxic and needs to be stamped out.

  4. margarineandjelly on

    So I work at AWS, was sitting at a cafe next to HQ on my WFH day and the amount of conversations I was hearing of them talking about applying to Microsoft or other Seattle local big tech was kind of surprising. I say surprising bc most Seattle locals usually live close by and it’s usually not a big deal to commute unless they live in Bellevue or Redmond.. but srsly you’re thinking of leaving 200-500k comps to another company that will eventually also mandate 5 day rto IMO is a bad move unless you’re at a 4 year cliff

  5. itistacotimeforme on

    The free market will adjust for those that quit and for those that get a job at Amazon.

  6. NobleBoysenburry on

    It’s called a quiet layoff. They want employees to quit instead of doing layoffs to save more $$

  7. piggybank21 on

    The tech job market wasn’t what it was in 2021, so they can rage apply all they want but will get hit a huge dose of reality. They will find out that nowadays there aren’t many companies out there pays as much as FAANGs and still let you WFH.

    There is a reason Amazon is doing this now, they have leverage. In 2021, it was an employee’s market. So they bided their time, now it is an employer’s market by a large margin.

    Leverage is the only thing that matters. Amazon employees had them 3 years ago with huge signing bonuses, RSU grants, WFH policies, etc. Now the leverage is on Amazon’s side.

  8. GreenEggplant16 on

    Kamala would win all 50 states if she promised to end RTO for tech jobs

  9. Eh, I know reddit loves the “screw the corporation” narrative but my prediction is that the majority of these employees will huff and puff and….stay right at Amazon.

    If you’ve tried looking for a job anytime recently you know how insane it is out there. Throwing away a prestigious, high paying job right now is not a smart move at all. I think these companies know this and are using that leverage to force employees back into the office.

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