Ein kürzlich gefangener russischer Kriegsgefangener im Zuschlagstoffwerk Wowtschansk berichtete über seine Erfahrungen. Er beschrieb, wie Nahrungsmittelknappheit dazu führte, dass Hunde, Katzen und Ziegen gegessen wurden, und wie es zu Selbstmorden und der Tötung ihrer Kameraden wegen Essensdiebstahls kam.



  1. PolecatXOXO on

    So the Russian immigrants in Ukraine really are eating the cats and dogs? Trump was right, just wrong about which immigrants?

  2. Old_Fart52 on

    Hard to tell what the truth is with this guy, I think he’s lying a lot

  3. Recogniz3Wealth on

    Are they still making these goofy, discrediting pow videos/interviews? Seriously Ukraine?!

  4. gemusevonaldi on

    “They’re eating the dogs,
    They’re eating the cats,
    They’re eating the goats,
    of the people that live there..”

  5. Mundane_Catch_1829 on

    putin is doing a great job at destroying his own. I’m not surprised at these stories and others of some barbaric actions of the orcs. They want to destroy everything including themselves. Slava Ukraini forever.

  6. They should feed these low life motherfuckers to wood chippers – alive!!!!! May God forgive me for having such thoughts, but I can’t convince myself that the orcs can be redeemed. Not ever!

  7. MightyKittenEmpire2 on

    We’ll probably never get an accurate total, but there’s a good chance UA’s reporting of total RU casualties is an underestimate due to RU fratricide.

  8. Comfortable_Gate_878 on

    The Russian army is an enigma, they have little training usually 2 or 3 weeks. Fire a few rounds and throw the odd grenade. They are poorly equipped mostly having to buy their own stuff. They have little food, poor ration are treated terribly by their commanders. Killed in meat wave after meat wave and yet 2 years alter they are still fighting and although Ukraine are doing extremely well how come they russian soldiers revolted against their treatment on mass.

    And how come Ukraine hasnt made massive breakthroughs across the lines considering how poor the russian army is?

  9. Far-Explanation4621 on

    All the Russians that survived this siege looked like they were starving, but even many of the Russians sitting in trenches look like they’re not getting regular food and water. The Russian army is a clusterf@ck.

  10. Purple_Clockmaker on

    They are not going to survive winter. Give Ukraine warm clothes and food they will just walk over frozen mines and frozen ruzz.

  11. Lost-Ad-2805 on

    “I didnt want to eat my dead comrade, to not lose my humanity” “You didn’t have humanity to begin with” haha

  12. Traditional-Point700 on

    I doubt that in one of the most bombed places on earth, the aggregate plant in vochansk there would be many goats to eat. Classic false testimony they give for an easier way out of captivity. Film a dumb video saying bullshit and get on the prority list to go back to russia.

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