Vergleich der COVID-19- und Influenza-Mortalität in den USA [OC]



  1. Puffin_fan on

    it would be interesting to see where staph aureus and enterococci rate —

  2. AdmirableBattleCow on

    Would be more interesting to see how the death rate compared over time.

  3. COLONELmab on

    CDC has a statement on their website (or did) that a “Covid related death” included deaths without a positive Covid test where “Covid exposure was likely”. As in, if you went to visit your friend, and died in a car crash on the way home, and your friend then tested positive for Covid, the cdc is 100% ok calling that a Covid related death.

    Edit for all you haters…

    Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?
    COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is
    assumed to have caused or contributed to death.

  4. LeCrushinator on

    I’d be interested to see 21-23 as well, after vaccines were widely available and they relaxed social distancing recommendations. Also newer variants of COVID became less lethal but more contagious and the vaccines were less effective against them.

  5. What about 2009 influenza? That pandemic was probably comparable woth 2020 covid

  6. BrowningZen on

    One could have used a pie or bars, and you chose the worst representation I have seen, wtf is this?

  7. Yeah the John Hopkins Covid death counter has the US over 1.1m deaths

    Maybe a giant square of squares of Covid years vs Flu decades or something?

  8. Is this Covid as cause of death, or death related to Covid? One must be really careful here.

  9. And for this we closed down the world like it was the second coming of the black death?

  10. NatureLovingDad89 on

    So the flu causes a Covid amount of deaths every 10 years

    Why don’t we mandate the flu vaccine like we did Covid? Covid happened once, the flu happens every year

  11. visitprattville on

    To be fair to Covid-19, Trumpski wasn’t there to bumble the response to those other viruses.

  12. Stolen post, so reporting, but this is a great graphic to illustrate how useful vaccines are in preventing deaths.

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