At the risk of putting on my tinfoil hat – there is absolutely no mention of this on the BBC, or Sky News or any of the major British news sites. I was there today and there were a good few thousand people there, and yet, little to no media coverage?
xegoba7006 on
The ol’ brjoinit
Digital_Avatar_000 on
Is there a real chance for this to happen or just noise ? any British in the room??
Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on
Uhh tbh that won’t happen immediately. There a lot of issues that the UK needs to solve like the economy that was wrecked by the Tories.
internetfriends4evar on
We have the non-removable bottle caps. Eat your heart out Brits.
BarbieEvelina on
I always see comments about why we (they) should ban Hungary from the EU and now never let in the UK ever. I must tell you one thing: The country is not equal with its dumb fuck politics and oligarchs. Sometimes shit happens, but hating on a nation is stupid.
whenitcomesup on
UK should just change their name to EU.
It’s not like it’s copyrighted.
Turbulent_Advice421 on
They have finally come to their senses
momalloyd on
Sure. The only thing is, there’s a 20 year wait, and there’s a whole bunch of countries ahead of you on the list.
We just have to make sure you are the right fit for Europe.
I see you have a bit of a police state there, and was that a bit of ethnic cleansing you tried recently. We will have to work on that, wont we.
I can pencil in a check up with your case worker in 2045, just to see how you are getting on.
Chin up, you’ll be back in, in no time.
TemperatureFluid3447 on
Re join??? Not a hope.. its re apply with 27 vetos waiting for the uk..
Precious_Cassandra on
We don’t want that country anymore… They’re culturally toxic due to Russian influence operations and no longer reflect European values. Stay out.
What’s this? The prodigal son returns…
At the risk of putting on my tinfoil hat – there is absolutely no mention of this on the BBC, or Sky News or any of the major British news sites. I was there today and there were a good few thousand people there, and yet, little to no media coverage?
The ol’ brjoinit
Is there a real chance for this to happen or just noise ? any British in the room??
Uhh tbh that won’t happen immediately. There a lot of issues that the UK needs to solve like the economy that was wrecked by the Tories.
We have the non-removable bottle caps. Eat your heart out Brits.
I always see comments about why we (they) should ban Hungary from the EU and now never let in the UK ever. I must tell you one thing: The country is not equal with its dumb fuck politics and oligarchs. Sometimes shit happens, but hating on a nation is stupid.
UK should just change their name to EU.
It’s not like it’s copyrighted.
They have finally come to their senses
Sure. The only thing is, there’s a 20 year wait, and there’s a whole bunch of countries ahead of you on the list.
We just have to make sure you are the right fit for Europe.
I see you have a bit of a police state there, and was that a bit of ethnic cleansing you tried recently. We will have to work on that, wont we.
I can pencil in a check up with your case worker in 2045, just to see how you are getting on.
Chin up, you’ll be back in, in no time.
Re join??? Not a hope.. its re apply with 27 vetos waiting for the uk..
We don’t want that country anymore… They’re culturally toxic due to Russian influence operations and no longer reflect European values. Stay out.