Dieses Video, in dem sich russische Experten über Luftangriffe in der Ukraine zu Beginn des Krieges lustig machten, kam den Russen nicht gut an. Russische Telegram-Kanäle melden heute Abend über 125 Drohnenangriffe in mehreren Gebieten Russlands, darunter in den Regionen Woldograd, Rostow, Belgorod und Woronesch.



  1. Oh i wait for this day where they have to publicly apologize in state TV after russian state collapses to reduce their long imprisonment… 

  2. Scum of the earth. Children died during these bombings. Absolute filth.

  3. DesignerStage9276 on

    what goes around comes around, and the one who howls has already died MF

  4. ProPatriaEtDeo on

    Damn mother f*krs.. hope they will experience what the common Ukrainians are experiencing right now

  5. romanwhynot on

    You old fckz are dust….. ohhhhh the irony! Look over your shoulder dikheadz

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