„Ich danke allen, die an der Seite der Ukraine stehen“, sagte Präsident Selenskyj nach fast dreißig Treffen in den USA



  1. GermanDronePilot on

    How tired this man must be. So many appointments and meetings. And having to put on a fake smile every time, which you have to have as a supplicant, must be exhausting..

  2. NoBagelNoBagel- on

    Leaving out that the most powerful Republican in the U.S. govt refused to meet with him.

    The pitiful stance of the Speaker of the House on display.

  3. ladivision2 on

    I have never seen a leader work harder for his country and people.

  4. Jimmycocopop1974 on

    You may have opinions on the man, but one thing is fact he hustles for his nation. He loves his country. Everyone could learn from him.

  5. Exact-Ad-1307 on

    So we know Trump told 30000 lies during his presidency has anyone kept track of how many times people have said fuck Trump?

  6. Unlucky-Associate266 on

    How did India get on that list? It offers token amounts of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and does a huge amount of sanctions busting trade with Russia. “India also has warm ties with Russia, its primary arms supplier for decades, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has refused to join the Western-led sanctions regime against Moscow.” [https://www.reuters.com/world/ammunition-india-enters-ukraine-raising-russian-ire-2024-09-19/](https://www.reuters.com/world/ammunition-india-enters-ukraine-raising-russian-ire-2024-09-19/)

  7. He may not be on the frontlines, but he has to deal with the world’s biggest assholes and self-serving “leaders” to get what Ukraine needs. I can’t think of anyone in recent history that has been this successful. Zelenskyy’s name will be in the history books for a very very long time. Every modern general and wannabe president will be reading everything he and Ukraine has done. Ukraine, a country most have never heard about outside of Russia and Central Europe, has become a beacon of freedom. Good on you Zelenskyy.

  8. HawkoDelReddito on

    Even those who for whatever stupid illness dislike Ukraine, even they must acknowledge what an amazing leader Zelenski is for his people. The man does not rest. He understands the importance of diplomacy, salesmanship, and military might in to lead his nation through this time.

  9. DulcetTone on

    This man is going to stand with Churchill and FDR as one of the best leaders of the modern world.

  10. WilliamoftheBulk on

    I wish there were more I could do. This is the most important issue facing the world, so I will support and vote for my reps that support Ukraine.

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