Berichten zufolge feuert die russische Artillerie auf ihre eigenen Soldaten, die versuchten, sich in Richtung Kurachiw zu ergeben


  1. Really doesn’t surprise me, but russia will use this as propaganda and say ukraine done this to soldier’s surrendering to tell their soldiers not to surrender and fight to the death. Let’s hope they don’t believe the Russian scum

  2. Reginald_Saunders_MD on

    What a horrific tactic but it makes a sort of twisted sense from a Russian perspective:
    Your own soldiers are Ill-trained and disposable meat bags. If they’re surrendering, they must be surrendering to someone, so shelling the entire area may inflict a few 2- or 300s in the Ukrainian ranks. In a war of attrition this is the evil calculus.

  3. Alarmed_Will_8661 on

    Ukrainians putting themselves at risk of being spoted and attacked by artillery to take those prisoners

  4. minkey-on-the-loose on

    “The Russian people have their own cultural code, their own traditions”

    -Vladimir Putin

  5. When you think you’ve seen it all, and then the Soviet world surprises you again.

  6. DonCroissant92 on

    Hope most of them made it…

    And the artillery crew eat counter battery fire

  7. FrolicsForever on

    I don’t see anyone in the group who is obviously UAF.

    I wonder if they outed themselves by saying something over the radio about surrendering and their commander sent a drone out to watch them, calling in the artillery strike once it was confirmed that they did intend on following through?

  8. One wonders what the relatives of these Russians say about their husbands, brothers, fathers or sons being deliberately killed by their own people. I would go crazy.

  9. ExtraRent2197 on

    Wow what a scummy thing to do the people firing on there own could be surrendering themselves

  10. I don’t think I’ve seen the immediate result of a artillery hitting a group of soldiers before.

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