Ein essbarer Transistor auf Zahnpastabasis



  1. aswasxedsa on

    A toothpaste-based transistor is the latest innovation from the research team at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Milan, pushing the boundaries of edible electronics. This nano-device is expected to become a key component of future smart pills, designed to monitor health conditions from within the body and then safely dissolve after completing their function.

    The research team integrated small amounts of this new ingredient as a semiconductor into an already tested recipe for building edible circuits. The circuits are constructed on an ethylcellulose substrate, with electrical contacts printed using inkjet technology and a solution of gold particles, which are commonly used in culinary decoration.

  2. BearsGotKhalilMack on

    The headline certainly makes it sound like you’re supposed to ingest the toothpaste, not that the technology just happens to be based off of one small ingredient found in some toothpastes.

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