Schwarzes Loch schoss einen Strahl durch den Weltraum. Die NASA hat atemberaubende Aufnahmen gemacht.


  1. DontTickleTheDriver1 on

    Alrighty. If that pic is real and that beam is real then WTF?!?

  2. Sea_Signal_5579 on

    So if it‘s 3.000 light years long it already started more than 3.000 years ago and was just not discovered until now, right?

  3. 1leggeddog on

    I always thought that since it’s a black hole, nothing could escape it.

    So then how could this jet even happen?

    Well the whole “nothing escapes a black hole” is for the event horizon. Stuff still “orbits” the black hole and if it goes fast enough, it can counteract the massive gravity field of the black hole, like a slingshot.

  4. Ok, Hubble took that picture. Is it changed in any way, I mean is that how it appears to the eye or is the picture in different wavelengths etc?

  5. MattExpress on

    Jeez, is it a rainbow month at Mashable?! Who came up with the title?

    I’m not clicking it. Na-ah.

    OK, on a serious note, that’s one of the best images of a relativistic beam. It’s superluminal (apparent faster than light), doppler boosted (the opposite beam is not even visible in the photo), the black hole is possibly accelerated. It’s like a tasty buffet for an astrophysicist.

  6. Hey this reminds me, did that star ever explode yet that was supposed to happen between the summer and October?

    It was supposed to be a scenario where a star appears I think?

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