[OC] Mittleres Haushaltseinkommen nach Bundesstaat, angepasst an die Lebenshaltungskosten.

Von circusboy1


  1. InformalPenguinz on

    Just as expected. I’m about half the median so.. that’s fun.

  2. Interesting. So are people literally trapped in a place like Mississippi?

    Perhaps there should be a federal funded program to provide money for a moving van + two months rent to get these people out of that hell hole.

  3. You just gave up on New England eh? Not very beautiful when you’re missing data.

  4. Hawaii is the most surprising to me. Seems like an expensive place to live but a hard place to make money, but evidently I’m wrong.

  5. Ragnaroknight on

    This seems odd. Am I crazy thinking $63k in Louisiana or Mississippi actually sounds better than $79k in California?

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