Oberst der russischen Streitkräfte in der Nähe von Moskau eliminiert


Von UNITED24Media


  1. Dat_Ding_Da on

    Maybe he was being tracked by his smartphone?

    There’s some great secure alternatives out there like pagers, I’m sure some immoral producers will be able smuggle them through the sanctions.

  2. wombat6168 on

    Promotion in the ruzzia is not a good thing. It can seriously effect your health

  3. Kick_that_Chicken on

    When listing out who is a potential target I got some strong anonymous vibes they could adopt. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

  4. Sorry to say but that’s war for you, people Die. There are more and more every day

  5. CannonFodder33 on

    Windows, stairs, tea, handguns and now partisans, oh my.

    russia could make itself a safer place for its commanders with one simple little action.

  6. RevolutionaryHair91 on

    This is unrelated in some way but have we ever seen the black sea fleet amiral who was supposed to be alive again ?
    Also what about gerasimov ?

  7. This is wild, how in chaos and out of control is Russia to literally have armed resistance groups killing top leaders in their capital? Just die already putin, you lost dawg

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