„Morning Joe“ verspottet 100.000 US-Dollar Sehen Sie sich Trumps Verkauf an Fans an: „Können Sie sich vorstellen, dass die Demokraten so etwas tun würden?“ | Video
„Morning Joe“ verspottet 100.000 US-Dollar. Sehen Sie sich Trumps Verkauf an Fans an: „Können Sie sich vorstellen, dass die Demokraten so etwas tun würden?“ | Video
He needs campaign money
These scams just scream 90’s late night infomercials with a has been actor/athlete trying sell you something.
I cant wait till his campaign rallies go full on shopping network. Selling blenders and juicers.
Can you imagine the look on Rick Hatrison’ s if some dummy brings this watch into his shop in 5 years looking to get their asking 100k for this.
You could ask that question on pretty much anything the Rethuglicans say or do.
It is just another way for foreign influence groups to funnel him money. They will buy 20 or 100 without consequences.