Israel verletzt die Frequenz des Kontrollturms des Flughafens Beirut und gibt eine Warnung heraus


  1. DanDan1993 on

    Sources from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport informed MTV that the Israeli army entered the frequency of the Beirut airport control tower and warned against the landing of a civilian Iranian plane heading to the airport, stating that otherwise, Israel would resort to the use of force.

    Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh has instructed the airport to request that the plane not land and refrain from entering Lebanese airspace.

  2. No-Relationship3388 on

    Israel is bringing order to the world. Huge huge respect for this small country.

  3. baskinmygreatness on

    What do iranian civilians have to do with anything though?

  4. verylateish on

    You killed Nasrallah, good, fuck of now! And don’t fuck with our, US/EU, planes!

    Edit: It’s crazy to have minus 20 in one minute. LOLOLOLOL

    And I didn’t even criticized Israel or Iran. 🤣

    Go on, I won’t erase it! 😄

  5. justbrowsington on

    I have to say… that’s not the MTV I thought it was when I looked at the source lol.

    But anyhow, I doubt that “civilian aircraft” carried regular Iranians, it was probably filled with Rev. Guard and other Iranian head honchos, all heading to Lebanon to give out orders to Hezbollah after their puppet Nasrallah got blown up.

  6. Gajanvihari on

    In the 2nd Congo War there was a long range strike on Kinshasa where an airliner was loaded with soldiers and on landing seized the airport and opened a second front.

  7. Israel breaches Beirut airport control tower’s frequency and issues a warning:

    **”Shalom MFS!”**

  8. MoisterOyster19 on

    Glad to see Israel checking the Middle East Islamic extremists. Bc Biden and the US won’t do it

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