Verluste des russischen Militärs bis 28.9.2024



  1. hopeitwillgetbetter on

    > 55

    * 81 – *23.09.24*
    * 74 – *25.09.24* & *29.07.24*
    * 73 – *12.09.24*
    * 71 – *26.09.24* & 18.08.24
    * 69 – 10.08.24 & 05.08.24
    * 67 – 07.08.24
    * 66 – *06.07.24*, *01.07.24* & 14.02.24
    * 65 – 12.08.24 & *23.07.24*, *04.07.24* & 04.06.24
    * 64 – 07.06.24
    * 63 – *22.09.24*
    * 62 – *15.07.24*
    * 61 – *24.09.24*, 23.06.24 & 24.01.24
    * 60 – 21.08.24, 28.06.24 & 09.06.24
    * 59 – 16.08.24, 04.08.24, *11.07.24* & 25.01.24
    * 58 – *27.09.24*, *21.09.24*, 17.08.24, 11.08.24 & *13.07.24* & 16.06.24, 03.05.24 & 15.11.23
    * 57 – 14.08.24, *23.07.24*, *03.07.24* & 29.06.24
    * 56 – *11.09.24*, 03.08.24 & *02.07.24*
    * 55 – **28.09.24**, *19.07.24* & 11.05.24
    * 54 – *18.07.24*, *05.07.24*, 21.06.24, 07.04.24 & 15.02.24
    * 53 – 30.06.24 & 21.02.24
    * 52 – *13.09.24*, 27.08.24, 20.08.24
    * 51 – *28.07.24*, *22.07.24*, 24.06.24, 10.06.24, 31.01.24 and 23.01.24
    * 50 – *10.09.24*, 20.05.24, 05.04.24, 6.03.24 and maybe other days

    Inspired by:

    > Dutch-cooking-guy said:

    > According to it is a record:

    If error, please let me know. I think I checked every day, but it’s possible I forgot to or recorded incorrectly.

    * Longest daily 50up streak was 9 days long from JUN 28 2024 to JUL 07 2024.

    * JUN 2024 – 10 days on the chart
    * JUL 2024 – 16 days
    * AUG 2024 -14 days – 17k+ on the 18th
    * SEP 2024 – 12 days – 18k+ on the 12th

  2. AcanthaceaeNo6071 on

    1/33 of total destroyed special equipment. What’s going on?


    99 units special equipment destroyed in one day is amazing, but maybe it’s a typo?

  4. 1274 average eliminated Russians for the first 28 days of the month.

    Looks like a strong chance of finishing up the month above 38,000 which is just insane as we see month after month of improvement in this statistic.

    Amazing numbers of tanks, artillery, & MLRS


    Слава Україні!

  5. Looks like they mixed up the special equipment and the vehicles groups

  6. 650k! Wow!
    And I agree…..probably a typo, too strange to not have any vehicles, and too high of a # of special equipment

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