Die niederländische Stadt Den Haag hat gerade als erste Stadt der Welt Ölwerbung und Werbung für große energieverbrauchende Industrien wie Flugreisen und Kreuzfahrtschiffe verboten.
Von tllon
The Hague, whose city council on Friday adopted the proposal to ban these ads from 1 January 2025, is the Netherlands’ administrative center, where the Parliament, the Supreme Court, and several major international courts are based.
The air travel one seems odd.
dumbest thing I saw today
This is not even remotely adequate.
Oh, the irony…
(Shell has fairly big offices here)
Pretend it does not exist?
that will solve everything
That’s a good start…
One could however wonder which argument exists for not banning advertising altogether. This industry is non-essential, serves no useful purpose and yet expends large amounts of useful resources.