Weiß jemand, warum Städte, die auf -gem enden, scheinbar geografisch gruppiert sind?


Von D33f


  1. diatonico_ on

    -gem just means “house of” or “place of residence”. A cognate of the German “-heim”. It’s common in the old Brabant (which includes large parts of Oost-Vlaanderen), and some in the old Flanders as well. “-kem” is a similar suffix.

    It’s just a remnant of how language used to be distributed in the are.

    Also: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_naa002198701_01/_naa002198701_01_0007.php

  2. Zottegem, Berchem, Middelheim, Latem, Bornem these towns all have a suffix related to -heim. Some are written -gem, some -chem, some just -em. Perhaps some slight shift in ‘g’ sound appeared in east-flanders.

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