Der Mist, den Selenskyj durchmachen muss, nur um Hilfe für sein Land zu bekommen

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Zelensky less than 12ft away from Russia’s greatest moron, colorized.

  2. Zelenskyy thought bubble: this too will pass, edin orangeva ballon, dva orangevi balloni, tri orangevi balloni, cheteri …

  3. Impossible_Title7799 on

    We all support you Zelenskyy, and feel your pain having to do what needs to be done 😭

  4. I wonder if Zelensky fed him some bogus info to see if it turns up in Moscow.

  5. Usul_muhadib on

    I don’t think you can find a bigger contrast between two human beings. On one side, a courageous, intelligent, and sensible person: a true hero of the 21st century. On the other side, a disgusting traitor, playing the accordion with his lies: the most wicked and dangerous cult leader of the 21st century.

  6. Imagine having to suck up to that floppy haired orange Cunt, just to get justice.

  7. A measure of a true leader of people…he stood next to the creep that pressured him to come up with dirt on the Bindens…who is Putins lap dog and who is an international embarrassment, just so funding for a war to keep his country unoccupied is not held up in congress. We could only hope to have a leader as good as Zelenskyy.

  8. CloudySpace on

    were gonna work very much with both parties…yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay

  9. needlovesharelove on

    I don’t know why I’m laughing watching this. It’s like you know watching a sitcom and waiting for the dramatic trolling waiting to happen with camera zooming. If only Zelensky pause a little longer in between words. This somehow is troll because you know this two is trying their best to act their part ! 🤣🤣

  10. Gaunter_O-Dimm on

    He’s been reportedly seen outside this building whispering “I think I prefer the frontline”

  11. Still-Consideration6 on

    All the time thinking these aunts held up weapons deliveries for how long?
    killing how many civis,solders and here he is using me as an alibi

  12. yippy_skippy99 on

    What a complete waste of time for zelenskyy to meet with a pet eating weirdo.

  13. killroy1971 on

    Man, Zelensky is a far stronger man than I. He can stand there with Russia’s most effective foreign agent and parley with him.

  14. DrOrpheus3 on

    I really hope Zelenskyy knows we American’s are just as done with Lumpys shit as he is.

  15. calvin42hobbes on

    Zelenskyy’s body language speak so much truth that he is restrained from doing politically.

  16. NovelRelationship830 on

    “We’re gonna do a lot. We’re gonna do a tremendous amount like probably nobody else, almost nobody else in history. And we’re gonna have a discussion to see what we can come up with.”

    What a fucking dotard.

  17. Boredengineer_84 on

    The amount the US spent on Iraq and Afghanistan….. come on, this is peanuts by contrast

  18. flossanotherday on

    Very good relationship with putin, we talk about golf clubs, golf and laugh at eu while trading tanning tips, strong respect built on mutual interests

  19. randomstriker on

    Ze is probably using every fibre of his being to resist the urge to strangle Don Old Dump.

  20. fluffyflugel on

    I’d love to see Zelenskyy beat the crap out of the traitorous asshole.

  21. I really hope that guy has methods to relax. This past 3 yrs must have aged him like 10….

  22. TacticoolRaygun on

    How does “piece of steel” equal to “the greatest salesmen” or does he mean, “piece of steal?” All I know this is very awkward and I feel embarrassed for Zelensky. Why would he talk about Putin in front of him? For fucks sake.

  23. Zelenskyy would admit himself that this is easy. Fighting the war. Defending your country. That is hard.

  24. wastingtoomuchthyme on

    What’s piece of shit making it all about him ..

    I hope zelenskyy feeds him bullshit and we see Putin act upon it proving again Trump’s an Russian stooge…

  25. Dreamer0o0o on

    Vote Kamala and we can all move on like mature responsible adults and put this sad clown and the crap he puts us through behind us. For good.

  26. letsseeitmore on

    What a sad sack of shit. Zelenskyy should be given the highest praise for having to put up with this shithead.

  27. TheDog_Chef on

    Zelenskyy probably felt like he needed a bath after that meeting!

  28. MakeoverBelly on

    Who is Yermak talking to in the background, around 1:30? Is that some important guy from Trump’s circle that I don’t recognize, or just some random secret service agent? He definitely is pumped up like an agent.

  29. Isn’t this a breach of the Logan Act? I thought that Trump wasn’t supposed to meet or make agreements with foreign powers. Perhaps I’m confused.

  30. IntelligentPublic on

    So disappointed in Zelensky for meeting with that clown. It serve nothing, but makes publicity for Trump for the main stream media. It gives the impression to the idiot audiance that Trump can be taken seriously.

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