In New York hat das Treffen zwischen Wolodymyr Selenskyj und Donald Trump begonnen.


  1. Yeeaaaarrrgh on

    Oh for fucks sake. That’s Donald’s “I’m going number two’s in my pants.” face. As an American, I wholeheartedly apologize to Zelensky on behalf of 40% of my country being dumber than anyone could possibly imagine.

  2. Fuck sake, the shit Zelensky has to put himself through just to get help for his country. How the fuck is he going to persuade trump that helping Ukraine is better than sucking Putin off every day.

  3. BaneIonica78 on

    Wait, didn t trump reject the meeting ? Or was that misinformation ?

  4. Metron_Seijin on

    The sewage you have to wade through when you choose certain jobs… Hope Zelenskyy  kept his vomit bag from the plane ride over, and his dementia translator is top tier.

  5. WildRefrigerator9872 on

    trump looks incredibly BOTHERED to have to look out for American interests.

  6. Delicious-Length7275 on

    the clown that became president and president that became the clown.

  7. _Hello_Hi_Hey_ on

    Russia representative Trump. What a pointless exercise, the guy have a war to fight.

  8. MaxPowerGamer on

    Yes yes here is our victory plans, we’ve taken the liberty of translating them into Russian for you.

  9. Ballistic-Bob on

    Shocking that he has to even ask for help never mind beg for it … and beg a private citizen at that !

  10. Few-Worldliness2131 on

    It’s clear that Trump doesn’t have an original idea, if indeed any ideas, in his head, so who’s talking into his ear and planting these pro Russian policies? Just who behind the scenes is telling him what to say?

  11. I feel bad for Zelenskyy having to listen to Trumps nonsense, it’s only ridicolous accusations/promises taken right out of his ass, “I’m going to end the war, n stuff”.

  12. Correct_Flatworm8529 on

    Trumps Putin’s little puppy he’ll do as his master commands

  13. Why,why,why. Why didn’t that rat face Trump turn down the meeting. Why couldn’t he be a man for once in his god damn life and just say no. Everyone knows he’s Putin’s sock puppet and he’s going to stick it to Ukraine the first chance he gets, but no he has to put Zelensky through this humiliating phony charade.

  14. Miserable_Ad5001 on

    I really wish Zelenskyy wasn’t meeting that fucking cancer. Trump is a “private citizen” & shouldn’t be in any discussion with any head of state

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