1. privateuser169 on

    He is such a child. Like his pseudo-dad Trumperdumper. Paper thin skin.

  2. Flight_Suspended on

    Makes me want to revisit l’Angleterre right away. I truly enjoyed my stay in London.

  3. WonderfulHat5297 on

    Another tantrum like when he got told off by Ukraine for something so he immediately switched to be a Russia supporter out of pettiness

  4. SweetAlyssumm on

    I think Elon has jumped the shark. He’ll be rich and powerful maybe forever, but his social stock has gone way down.

    As someone who has always disliked and mistrusted him (he makes my skin crawl), I am delighted to see this.

  5. Dont_Knowtrain on

    Europe desperately needs to remove itself from US foreign policy and crazy people like Elon and Trump

  6. RomboDiTrodio on

    He’s America’s next Trump. Thanks god he can’t run for presidency.

  7. PurahsHero on

    He was invited last year and didn’t turn up. When you give an invite and they leave you hanging, you don’t invite them again.

  8. Bro is pathetic. How can you be so rich, but also such a small person personality wise.

  9. karateninjazombie on

    We don’t want that tantrum throwing prick to come here any way.

  10. Is it just me, or is Musk slowly transforming into Trump? If he could run for POTUS, I think he would.

  11. I used to kind of respect this man a decade ago. What on Earth happened? Did he ditch his PR team? Did the drugs catch up to him?

  12. Vast-Scale-9596 on

    As long as you stay in buttfuck Tejas that suits the UK just fine Elmo. We have too many sulky teenagers with too much time on their hands, and no prospects as it is.

  13. OptimismNeeded on

    The only thing more embarrassing than Trump is seeing the richest man on earth imitating Trump (badly).

  14. Wanted to go the UK. Was not invited to go the UK. No one should go the UK. Solid reasoning Elon. Not at all revealing of what kind of person you are.

  15. MikeLanglois on

    Good. Anyone that takes this man seriously enough to listen to him is not someone we want in the UK

  16. Being from the UK. I absolutely agree. If you like Elon, stay the fuck away.

  17. palebluekot on

    He’s such a crybaby. Every time I hear about him is him whining over nonsense. Rich billionaire crybaby bitch.

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