Diese Kontroverse konnte sofort gelöst werden. Jeder Weltraumjournalist, jeder Weltraumbefürworter, jedes am Weltraum interessierte Kongressmitglied sollte von SpaceX verlangen, dass die Bänder freigegeben werden:




  1. Space X doesn’t get to do whatever it wants because they are doing “good stuff”. You don’t “go fast and break things” with legislations, land or people’s lives.

    If they hadn’t been idiots and done the proper setup from the start, they wouldn’t have done a massive crater when they launch without any exhaust mitigation. But na, they had to do it without because Musk said they didn’t need it.

  2. manicdee33 on

    > This controversy could be resolved immediately.

    The only “controversy” here is Angry Astronaut wanting to see all the unedited footage.

  3. Space_Wizard_Z on

    Elon thinks that SpaceX should be able to do whatever it wants. TOO BAD. Follow the rules, and you won’t be in this situation.

  4. Elon is using is wealth to compromise the security of the US, influence the upcoming election and support Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

    Now he’s building the biggest rockets in the world expecting he can launch them at will without any regard for safety.

    At what point will the US government reign in this narcissist?

  5. Dude you just can’t help looking for an echo chamber to listen to you can you? The video you sourced here is from Angry Astronaut, a blowhard hack not respected at all in the industry.

  6. Blackjaquesshelac on

    Fly often, fly high, re-fly quickly or get over taken by the Chinese.
    America, do you want to be number one or do you want to be left behind?

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