Die Orbán-Regierung deutet an, dass Ungarn sich im Falle eines Angriffs nicht wie die Ukraine verteidigen würde



  1. Capitain_Collateral on

    So probably means they won’t defend anyone else either then… worthwhile addition to NATO.

  2. BaronVonLazercorn on

    Sounds like the go-ahead for his people to boot his spineless ass

  3. Well time to show the german austrian friendship once more and recreate the old austrian hungarian empire and we dont even need to ask hungary 🙂

  4. So thats why they want Ukraine to lose, they want to be part of Papa Putin’s country and Russia would be able to invade them next.

  5. So a way to deal with Orban is to invade Hungary, remove him from power, organize legit elections to replace him, then move out, understood.

  6. FarawayFairways on

    Ah … this would be the same Viktor Orban who Trump described as a “well respected, strongman” in a recent debate I take it?

  7. Obviously. Locating and killing Orban is probably pretty easy, just follow the food delivery services.

  8. 7fingersDeep on

    NATO should see this as a member being unwilling to commit to Article V. Give Hungary the fucking boot.

    NATO needs to clean house with some useless fucking nations in the group. I understand why NATO won’t boot them out – but it just looks weak.

  9. PlatformNo5806 on

    Whats new? Hungary didnt defend itself last time the russians invaded.

  10. SuperRetroSteve on

    Imagine being proud of that.

    Anyway, are there any countries that currently have territorial claims on Hungarian land? Sounds like it’s up for grabs.

  11. Perhaps true for the Orbán administration, but what about the other 99% of the people in Hungary?

  12. Successful_Ride6920 on

    It’s my opinion that he’s actually saying that Ukrainians have bigger balls than Hungarians 😉

  13. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/eng/news/2024/09/26/7194990/) reduced by 68%. (I’m a bot)
    > Balázs Orbán, the political director and close adviser to the Hungarian prime minister, has caused a wave of outrage among Hungarians with his statement that Hungary would not have fought a defensive war in 1956 like Ukraine, as it would have been "Irresponsible".

    > Answering a journalist's question about what would have happened if the United States had helped Hungary in 1956, Balázs Orbán said that, in his opinion, it would have led to World War III. "We might have won, or we might not have won; the neighbouring countries might have been with us or they might have been against us," he said.

    > Critics took Balázs Orbán's statements as a hint that Hungary would not fight a defensive war in the event of an attack.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fqli4v/orbu00e1n_administration_hints_that_hungary_would_not/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694434 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Orbán**^#1 **war**^#2 **Hungarian**^#3 **Balázs**^#4 **might**^#5

  14. Specialist_Alarm_831 on

    He’s not fit to lead the country, Hungary has a proud history of hundreds of years of defending Europe from all comers.

  15. What do you mean hints??? He openly admitted it. There was no confusion, no way to misinterpret it. He said this right leaning, patriotic, sovereign government would not fight a **defensive** war. He is openly admitting that he would rather capitulate than protect his country.

    I hope the “patriots” in their new EU-parliament faction take note…

  16. They should give Ukraine all their weapons and ammo since they don’t need it. Also, kick their ass out of NATO for Christ’s sake.

  17. Oinkidoinkidoink on

    I think people like Orban are colloquially called “treasonous swine”.

  18. OldMan1901 on

    Imagine the prime minister of your country saying: “oh, yeah, russia can invade us, we don’t mind”. What a spineless clown

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