Ein umfassender Gesetzentwurf würde den Obersten Gerichtshof, wie wir ihn kennen, völlig umgestalten



  1. thenewrepublic on

    >Wyden’s bill would expand the court from nine justices to 15 over 12 years, and require two-thirds of the Supreme Court and federal circuit courts of appeals to overturn any law passed by Congress. The bill would require the Senate to automatically schedule a vote on nominees to the high court if they are held up in committee for more than 180 days.

  2. stonedhillbillyXX on

    13 seats

    Rotated quarterly, randomly, from the appellate courts of each jurisdiction

  3. The_Navy_Sox on

    Going to be widely supported after McConnel stealing a seat, and then rushing through a justice even closer to an election too. That act by McConnel is also going to lead to a majority of probably two generations voting against republicans every chance they get for the rest of their lives.

  4. This is one of the biggest reasons we need the Dems to get full control. Abolish the filibuster for Supreme Court reform and abortion rights and filibuster reform itself. We shouldn’t allow one person to hold up government just because they happen to be in the minority on important issues.

  5. The_Jolly_Dog on

    Woah a bill that benefits the American people but directly restricts the court’s ability to be bought? 

    Well that’s going nowhere 

  6. Spotted_Howl on

    Give them 20 year terms and then send them back to lower appellate courts. In addition to any other reforms.

  7. Class_of_22 on

    Thank fucking god for this bill.

    To some extent, if it were a democrat, it would balance out the conservatives and provide more checks and balances.

  8. robot_jeans on

    Great plan and this is why they’ll steal the election for Trump.

  9. insaneplane on

    I would go further. Let’s have forty or fifty justices, then select nine of them at random for each case. Retirement (with pay of course) after max 18 years of service or reaching 65, whichever comes first.

  10. It is about damn time somebody suggested a solution to the most crooked branch of the US government. The suggestion in the link is pretty detailed. I really like all of the disclosure requirements. I wonder if combining the disclosure requirements with some form of retention vote by the citizens with every Presidential election might work. Maybe make some portion of the bench face a retention vote. Don’t want to loose them all at once but, what if a scheme could be found to make each Justice subject to a possible rejection vote by the public the court serves. Terrible idea huh, a Supreme Court that is required to serve the public rather than their own personal interests and pocket books.

  11. Huckleberry-V on

    I approve of people actually providing legislative solutions however doomed this might seem. There are tools to change this in the constitution, politicians are just happy with the status quo. But by getting these things in public discourse we increase awareness and put more pressure on them to acknowledge that they can change it.

  12. SpangleDam2 on

    Time to make the revisionist 6 Republican “Justices” irevalent and impotent. Grow the Supreme court with enough new Justices who are going to actually follow our Constitution and not the Bible. Time to indict Thomas and Alito for their grifting fraud and time to indict Ginny Thomas for her role in the insurrection on January 6.

  13. KarateEnjoyer303 on

    Republicans will never go for it. No way we fix the corrupted courts without a massive Blue Wave.

  14. Simpletruth2022 on

    I think we need to fix the ethics problem before we expand. It’s the only branch of government without a check.

  15. Don_Pickleball on

    I imagine Sweeping BIll as a magical custodian that shows up when our country needs him most. I suspect he has a bushy moustache as well.

  16. DudeTookMyUser on

    This is good but one important thing is missing…

    The selection process itself should be modified. Something along the lines of a committee made up of sitting judges, bar associations, public representation, and a few others. This committee would be responsible for selecting and putting forward a list of candidates to the President for consideration. The President would then choose from this list (followed by Senate confirmations).

    You still end up with candidates from various political spectrums so the sitting President can still lean towards a preference, but at least you ensure that the candidates being put forward are somewhat qualified and respected, and don’t include a bunch of quacks.

    I call this the Aileen Cannon Protection clause.

  17. These are good proposals. I’m sure some tweaking will happen here and there but it’s a good start. The Supreme Court really needs help and saving from its disastrous rulings wreaking havoc on the circuit and appellate levels.

  18. zombiefied on

    Let’s agree to talk about this if the Dems sweep. Otherwise this is Liberal porn fan fiction and I get enough of that from Newsweek.

  19. Danominator on

    We need to do this. The conservative supreme Court judges are nakedly corrupt

  20. rumpusroom on

    This needs to happen before Mitch shuffles off, so he can know that his life’s work amounted to nothing.

  21. ReasonablyConfused on

    “Today the Supreme Court shot down the new bill citing the ‘Uno Reverse Card’ legal theory.”

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