Schlag für Putins Kriegsmaschinerie, während Saudi-Arabien die Ölproduktion hochfährt


  1. Listelmacher on

    In general It could be that the Russians are putting too much pressure on the oil price,
    because they have to sell to China and India with remarkable a discount due to the sanctions.
    And who knows … Russian numbers about oil to China …

    Another factor could be the Houthis.
    There was an attack on a tanker under Greek flag in the Red Sea:
    It was on the way from Basrah, Iraq to Greece.
    The Houthis said it was related to Israel or so.
    It was also quite close to the coast of Saudi-Arabia.
    “… that could cause an environmental catastrophe and pose a risk to navigation in the region. …”
    Maybe Saudi-Arabia is not amused that someone else controls the traffic in the Red Sea.

    And then there was two days ago:
    “Exclusive: Iran brokering talks to send advanced Russian missiles to Yemen’s Houthis, sources say”

  2. I love the “facepalm” image of Putin, even-though he is just making the sign of the cross on his forehead. Seems this image is being used quite extensively these days.

  3. In the ecconomic part of the war I think maybe the Saudis just came in on Ukraines side.

  4. Piscator629 on

    His insidious tentacles pervade governments, industry and media all around the World. chetto mussolini wants to be his shadow.

  5. thoughtlessengineer on

    Why would the Saudi’s up production when oil prices are at 3 year lows? To fuck Russia (and shale gas producers), that’s why.

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