Ich habe diese abscheulichen Gebäude gesehen und mich gefragt, wie sie jemals genehmigt wurden. Es scheint, dass sie nicht genehmigt wurden. Und doch ignorierten die israelischen Entwickler einfach Warnungen und Hinweise, die Entwicklung zu stoppen, und bauten illegal weiter.
Anwohner haben im vergangenen Jahr zahlreiche Beschwerden eingereicht, was zu Warnungen der Planungsbehörde führte, die Verstöße zu stoppen. Allerdings wurden diese Warnungen vom Grundstückseigentümer weitgehend ignoriert, was Fragen zur Rolle der örtlichen Behörden aufwirft, insbesondere der Gemeinde Polis Chrysochous, die es versäumt hat, angemessene Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Der illegale Bau begann, bevor die entsprechenden Genehmigungen eingeholt wurden, was zu Durchsetzungsbescheiden der Planungsbehörde führte, die von den Bauträgern ebenfalls ignoriert wurden.
Das sollte so einfach zu beheben sein: Ausländische Entwickler zerstören die Umwelt, die Anwohner sind verrückt, die Entwicklung ist illegal und doch… passiert nichts! Die Israelis bauen einfach weiter.
Liegt das daran, dass Politiker in Zypern korrupt sind und bestochen werden? Die Israelis wissen also, dass sie die Leute einfach abbezahlen und ihre Hotels irgendwann fertigstellen können? Oder sind die zyprischen Regierungsbeamten vielleicht völlig inkompetent? Wie lässt man zu, dass die Israelis Latchi zerstören und nichts unternehmen? Faszinierend.
Israeli Developers Destroying Latchi, Cyprus Government Does Nothing
byu/Prahasaurus incyprus
Von Prahasaurus
All Cypriot politicians care about is money, always has been and always will be. It’s in their nature.
Oh, just a friendly reminder—be super careful with what you say about foreign investments around here. You know, because any hint of criticism is clearly rooted in racism, not, like, actual concerns about the economy or environment. Who cares about local impact when we’re getting all these amazing benefits, right? So yeah, make sure to stay positive—nothing says progress like pretending everything’s perfect. You wouldn’t want to be labeled as a racist for, I don’t know, asking inconvenient questions or anything.
No sir you are wrong the Cypriot politicians do indeed do something
They collect bribes
And to think of the permits and all sorts of hoops you need to jump through to make any modifications to your own residential property…
The only solution is a violent revolution.
The Palestinians have some insigt into this situation.
I wonder if the root cause of all this is the citizens themselves. No matter what they do to us, kripse na perasoume is the motto.
This country is doomed.
It’s time to brace for the downvotes, I guess.
I have a hard time believing such law-abiding people could ever engage in illegal building activities
This is basically standard.
It’s not only for foreign developers. Basically you just go and build whatever the fuck you want, wherever the fuck you want. Then when it’s finished, you go to the planning department and say “oops, I did a booboo” wave some lawyers at the problem, and maybe pay some small fines/fees and they give you a retroactive planning permit.
It’s very rare that the govt will tell you to demolish a property. Why do you think there’s so many villas and houses in supposedly “agricultural” areas? If you have enough money, you can do whatever you want.
The same shit happened with Sea Caves and Leptos Estates. So the problem is not with developers, the problem is with local politicians.
Cyprus politicians are very corrupt always taking back handers and turning a blind eye that sad government is destroying a beautiful country the locals are very sad at what goes on but there government just don’t care it’s all about money to them and the Jews can pay them off also the government have started to take a lot of bribes from Africa hence there is so many Africans in Cyprus now
The ramifications go far beyond that – real estate is being bought and sold to legitimize capital, causing inflation and a bubble that will eventually pop (again) our recent governments should be drug to public squares chained up and pelted with euro coins (since they like them so much).
My only single comfort is that even though their mismanagement condemns us and our children, it also inadvertently condemns theirs.
As an Israeli, I say he should be held responsible. Honestly, I can’t find any redeeming qualities in any building contractor. Illegal construction is rife in israel inside big cities. It’s annoying to see we’re also exporting this, apparently.
Aristos is Jewish?
Where is Markidis when you need him?
Cypriot developers have destroyed the island. Pure greed and no idea how the future could look like. Just imagine, if they had built infrastructure, universities, schools, tech hubs… but instead they build senseless houses with nobody living in it. Their own kids leave the island, since apart from real estate and tourism, there is not much to do for them. What happens, if every inch of the island is covered in concrete? Will the tourists still come?
money will win, once again
What an eyesore. Everyone quickly poop in their pool, eat the mini fridge and leave without paying
I live in Skala Larnaka right outside the turkish quarter. I requested the urban planning map. I’m in an area where maximum 4 floors is allowed (and the turkish quarter 2 floors). Right now they are building a 7 floor building 50m from my building, in the 4-floor buildin area.
So what can one do agains that ? Lol
Where are those posts asking if we like Israelis coming over here? We should link this to them :p
It’s because they are shit scared of being labelled antisemitic.
We will let them in!
That’s what they’re good at, whether it’s Cyprus, northern Cyprus, Palestine, and soon Lebanon… complete disregard for laws and regulations (whether it’s local municipal or international UN), and the list goes on. But if we talk against their continuous violations of everything then we are anti semitic (they even took over that term)