Donald Trump: Die Ukraine sollte „ein wenig aufgeben“, um einen Krieg mit Russland zu verhindern


  1. CrashInto_MyArms on

    No! Let’s risk worldwide nuclear war for a little piece of land in the Ukraine!!!! Trump is Hitler!

  2. Civil-Dinner on

    Of course he does.

    He always takes Putin’s side.

    Everyone has known all along that Trump’s “secret” plan to end the war on Ukraine from Russian aggression is for Ukraine to give up.

  3. The sooner that fukkin moron loses the election, and goes to jail, the better.

  4. Donald already gave his entire integrity years ago and apparently is willing to give much more to Russia

  5. JustAPasingNerd on

    Trump should allow an extra hole or two in his head in order to stop the the assasins.

  6. Someone breaks into your house and attacks your family:

    Trump: “You should just let him have the living room so he stops.”

  7. Neptunes_Fork on

    The orange clown would eat a mile of pootin’s shit, just to be able to lick where it came from.

  8. Willow1911 on

    Maybe if we give them one of our states they would stop attacking Ukraine… how would that sound Trumpty Dumpty

  9. Kim_Thomas on

    There’s no need for ANY sovereign nation to “give up a little” to follow the advice of a mentally ill, diaper leaden, orange cosmetics wearing MADMAN in order to satisfy or satiate a hateful, diseased, former KGB despot who has made all the necessary mistakes to destroy his own country. Fuck both of them!

  10. According-Green on

    Telling you folks Russia is helping trump to steal our election and our country, guaranteed this will litigated and Dems will just roll over n take it like always. Enjoy our country’s last days as we know it cause 2025 is coming and no one but loyalist will be safe.

  11. Mad_Machine76 on

    And there it is….just like Harris and people with real foreign policy expertise have been saying all along. Trump will sell out Ukraine to Russia.

  12. thetrueChevy1996 on

    So his plan is to let Russia get more, what a shock. How could we have ever seen this coming.

  13. That’s called losing…so, I guess he’s got a lot of knowledge about that!

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