[OC] Amerikaner unter 58 hatten überwiegend demokratische Präsidenten, während ältere Amerikaner überwiegend Republikaner hatten

Von ptrdo


  1. This chart shows the cumulative adult years an American would have lived under a Democratic or Republican president, starting with a 22-year-old born on January 20, 2003—who has only 4 adult years, all under Biden—and extending to a 98-year-old born on January 20, 1927—who has experienced 40 adult years under both Democratic and Republican presidents. The cumulative years are calculated as the sum of each individual’s adult years, divided according to the years when either a Democrat or Republican was president.

    Fun fact: Depending on their birthdate during the year, some people may have an equal complement of Democrat and Republican years if they are 26, 42, 66, 82, or 98.

    Data was scraped and massaged in R from the Wikipedia page for the [United States presidential inauguration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_inauguration). Preliminary visualizations were done with ggplot, then exported into an SVG for finesse and annotations in Adobe Illustrator.

    The chart shows even ages only (for the sake of legibility), but [full final data for all ages is shared here in a Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n7v2P2pb07DSVhYmJuQec04FdoN1qyxscbFETQQo43s/edit?usp=sharing).

  2. NoMoreMr_Dice_Guy on

    I think if you need a ton of annotations explaining the chart, it’s not /r/dataisbeautiful

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