Modernisierungsbemühungen der FAA-Flugsicherung sind ein Chaos


  1. You know who sounds like a good company to head up this massive undertaking? Boeing.

  2. Coming next from Silicon Valley: just let AI handle it, trust us bro

  3. This is a known issue and is strongly tied to federal budgets for FAA ATC efforts

    Basically, they can’t get $2 billion for a $2 billion project. Instead, they have to get $100 million a year every year from Congress and hope that Congress doesn’t change their budgeting priorities because of some political whim

  4. Somebody, I think it was MITRE, congratulated the FAA for maintaining such a superb collection of antique equipment in a report on the state of the ATC system.

    That was over 20 years ago.

  5. ForsakenRacism on

    The biggest asset is the air traffic controllers themselves and they need a big raise

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