Russische Soldaten werden in Flammen durch die Luft geschleudert, als ihr Fahrzeug in einem großen Feuerball explodiert

Von -Apex__Predator-


  1. TheBattleGnome on

    There is one guy on the left still moving. I can’t imagine he lived for much longer.

  2. Competitive-Ranger61 on

    That’s why they ride the top so they don’t die in the fireball of an AT mine. Except no one told them about the flying and the occasional flying on fire.

  3. cultureicon on

    Can you imagine a video coming out like this and that country’s populace just doing absolutely nothing, no reaction, no demand for change? Sick fucks! Can someone Max Headroom Russian TV and just play this non stop?

  4. DeepDescription81 on

    Kremlin: New ejector seats worked perfectly. All survived.

  5. Good. May it happen one thousand times per day for as long as this atrocious invasion continues.

    Go home, terrorists. Go home, rapists.

  6. MoreSoftware2736 on

    Oliver Onions

    Flying through the air
    Side by side we dip bend and climb
    Flying through the air so free
    Feel them left behind below us
    Flying through the air

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