Ich bin vor Kurzem wegen einer vorübergehenden Wohnsituation in Norwegen umgezogen. Ich habe mich umgehört, aber hier kann niemand Koreanisch. Oder zumindest hoffe ich, dass es Koreanisch ist, denn ich bin ein ziemlicher Sprachexperte …

Was steht hier?! Google Translate scheint die Eigenschaften einiger Symbole nicht zu erkennen und die Übersetzung ist inkonsistent.



  1. notechnics on

    Not an accurate translation but something like…I don’t know why people want to love…love is confusing

  2. I could never fully understand why people want to keep falling in love. Despite love being so complicated.

    Smth like this.

  3. Outrageous_Tip_8109 on

    It reads, “I don’t know why I want to love you so much, but it’s complicated” 😵‍💫😵‍💫

  4. rough translation: I dont know why people want to love so much… Love… is complicated!

    사람들아 왜 그렇게 사랑하고 싶은지 참 모르겠어요… 사랑은… 복잡하잖아요!

    some of the letters are quite weird though they are still readable.

    googling the phrase brings up nothing but a couple social media accounts… wonder where it’s from?

  5. The writing style is strange. The way the vowels are formed and how they balance with the consonants makes the writer look like they’re quite young, still in school.

    But also the slant of the ㄱ when it’s a leading consonant and how the ㅅand ㅈ is written indicates that it could be a foreigner because it isn’t natural handwriting and specifically copying a digital font… which is don’t think is in the elementary school textbook writing exercises.

  6. HotCheetosWithForks on

    Others have translated already but just be aware that it was written by someone who is not fluent in korean. Not only are there grammar and spelling errors and but the handwritting is very childish/untrained. 

  7. Fickle-Nectarine688 on

    At first glance I thought it is a suicide note haha but it sounds weirdly adorable. I guess it probably is that it wasn’t written by a native speaker which naturally makes it sound childlike.

    “People, why want to love so much…
    Love is… complicated!”

  8. Professional-Lock587 on

    This sentence has two typos (‘시’람들’아’), one grammatical error (subject-verb agreement), and the handwriting and spacing of the letters is quite sloppy. However it translates to the following without problems:
    “I don’t understand why people want to love so much… Love is… complicated!”

    It is a colloquial, adorable and rather poetic phrase. I like it.

  9. Unendlich999 on

    Everyone saying the grammars wrong and the handwriting directs to foreigners’ writing or so, but there are chances of others. The grammar might seem wrong but it is quite often used in poeterys and so, especially that of 70’s or 80’s. The overall characters are strict, and the ㅆ really can’t help me but think of elders’ writing.

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