Der Krieg in der Ukraine wird 2025 und 2026 andauern. Dies wird passieren, wenn Kiew nicht sofort die Erlaubnis westlicher Länder erhält, Langstreckenwaffen gegen Russland einzusetzen – so der britische Außenminister David Lammy


  1. No-Signature649 on

    Fuck permission… Did the ruskies ask for permission to come to Ukraine? I’m thinking america and everyone else needs to let Ukraine do what they gotta do to end this. Like c’mon what are we even talking about?

  2. Thrash-hole on

    Do any of you have children lol…. we’re just like “fuck it, WW3 it is.”

    See you in the South Pacific in the near future… we’re fucked.

  3. Sea-Direction1205 on

    Putin and his gang will continue to grief Ukraine until they got no limbs left.

    Monty Python’s Black Knight

  4. Iamtheconspiracy on

    Ugh, I’m getting old. I already hate AI generated videos, and it’s only the beginning.

  5. markdestouches on

    The war will also continue til 2026 if we do get the permission. There is no magic bullet.

  6. Well no shit it’s gonna continue in 2025. I am highly sceptical it will in 2026 though

  7. vanisher_1 on

    I am still questioning why this stupid limit restriction is not lifted and to be honest i am tired of depending for this choice on a foreign country, same thing for the Scholz obsession to stick with his stupid decision…. Italy 🇮🇹

  8. pura_vida_2 on

    War will stop in 3-6 months after US and West start be serious about starving Russian economy and trade abilities. We are still buying shit from them, we are still trading with countries that resell things to Russia, we are still have good relationship with countries who support Russia. Only total isolation will bring Russia to an internal collapse and end of the war. These brainwashed maniacs will not stop even if you kill half of them

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