Ukrainischer Soldat verrät, wie er in russischer Gefangenschaft eine Ratte aß


  1. ConsequenceAfter1686 on

    He was determined and had the power to survive no matter what, a real champ.

  2. Impossible-Concert-2 on

    I almost vomit hearing this, but you have to do what you have to do.

  3. sprudelnd995 on

    That’s harsh. There’s the risk of infection internal digestive infection too, from microbes the rat might be carrying.

  4. penguin_skull on

    Remember, this happened at the beginning of the war. It shows the Russians were not changed by the war, it was always their 2nd nature to abuse others.

  5. VPNbeatsBan2 on

    I bet hunting that rat was the best moment of his life, what a weird planet

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