„Wir haben Glück, dass sie so verdammt dumm sind.“ Der Russe weicht einer FVP-Drohne aus, geht neben ihr her und bewirft sie mit einem RPG.



  1. RisenApe12 on

    What is wrong with these people, did they receive any training at all?

  2. Worth_Ad22 on

    I remember this idiot. This video is pretty old. At least six months.

  3. LocalNHBoy on

    Well, that’s one way to unalive yourself I suppose. Live in a few moments of terror and then just F YOURSELF RIGHT OFF 🙂 lol

  4. C_King2013 on

    Old repost but still quality evidence of severe incompetence or very little education.

  5. Sophrosyne_7 on

    Just when you think you’ve seen all levels of stupid, along comes an orc and tops it.

  6. StrangerToMyself77 on

    It’s smart to take cover behind a tree . Can’t vouch for the rest of his actions .

  7. that is really some next level stupidity. A trained soldier, no actually, any person would not do this. And still here we have a russian army SOLDIER doing shit like this, amazing.

  8. BellybuttonWorld on

    Imagine being in this situation though. I thought wasps were bad xD

  9. No-Agency-7988 on

    Again!? This guy already did this months ago…

    Im starting to suspect the war in Ukraine isn’t real

  10. DJScopeSOFM on

    Lmao! The drone is called “Rusoyob” which means, “Rus-o-fucker”

  11. EstablishmentCute703 on

    When I read “throws RPG at it” I thought I misread it… and then I didn’t. How smart do you have to be to do that? Russians have proven to be stupid but I think this csn also be down to their psychological state due to being in the shittiest army of the world and in hell.

  12. An old video but I don’t mind because it’s one of the funniest.

    Imagine the Ukrainian drone operator swearing that he missed and the drone didn’t detonate, only to watch the screen for the monitor drone and see the Russian just approach it and detonate the drone himself.

    Definitely deserving of the great Ukrainian quote on how lucky they are that the Russians are that stupid… that same video had some great content with a Ukrainian squad leader who spoke about how he just wanted the Russians out so he could go home and start a cherry orchard. I hope that guy’s still alive and gets his wish.

  13. Flying_Madlad on

    If only that building wasn’t totally destroyed. But, what can you do? Russian logic.

  14. Well I guess when your number’s up, your number’s up. Hell of a way to pull failure from the jaws of victory.

  15. What I did I will add on my “How to quickly end a date list.”

    Today I saw a men dying and had a good laugh about it.

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