and sadly chile is led by the dumbfuck boric instead of kast and brazil by the putin-loving lula, otherwise israel would get even more support from latin america.
BriefausdemGeist on
That’s not a very informative article
theweirdball on
He’s wrong, the Northeast Syria is a liberal democracy now.
manareas69 on
Good for him. The US should kick out the UN.
alotofpisces on
The man’s got a point. Freaking Iran in the human right council?! It’s absurd. The UN isn’t only antisemitic and anti Israel, but also just plain hypocrit.
_H_a_c_k_e_r_ on
Another imperialist puppet.
asianmanwantsosrs on
crazy how during the campaigning to become president the opposition kept calling him anti semetic
Well said Mr. President!
You may not like him, but the man’s got style.
and sadly chile is led by the dumbfuck boric instead of kast and brazil by the putin-loving lula, otherwise israel would get even more support from latin america.
That’s not a very informative article
He’s wrong, the Northeast Syria is a liberal democracy now.
Good for him. The US should kick out the UN.
The man’s got a point. Freaking Iran in the human right council?! It’s absurd. The UN isn’t only antisemitic and anti Israel, but also just plain hypocrit.
Another imperialist puppet.
crazy how during the campaigning to become president the opposition kept calling him anti semetic
I don’t agree with fascists.
A crazy bigot nujob babbling. Yawn.