Russlandfreundlicher Ständerat: Diese Abgeordneten haben für Putin gestimmt | Ein Teil der Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Russland soll aufgehoben werden, wenn es nach dem Willen der kleinen Kammer des Parlaments geht. Wie die Kantonalvertreter abgestimmt haben, erfahren Sie hier.

Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on

    Not the whole article only the outcome of the vote:

    >__The following minority of the small chamber of the Swiss parliament has spoken out (unsuccessfully) against weakening the sanctions:__


    Baptiste Hurni (Neuenburg)

    Pierre-Yves Maillard (Waadt)

    Franziska Roth (Solothurn)

    Carlo Sommaruga (Genf)

    Simon Stocker (Schaffhausen)

    Flavia Wasserfallen (Bern)


    Maya Graf (Basel-Landschaft)

    Céline Vara (Neuenburg)


    Tiana Angelina Moser (Zürich)

    >__Who voted in favour of Russia in the Council of States?__
    >* ⛔️ These members of the Council of States were also against the motion calling on the federal government to consistently expel Russian and other foreign spies.

    >* 💰 These members of the Council of States wanted to make savings rather than provide Ukraine with more financial support.

    >__Die Mitte__

    Beat Rieder (Wallis) ⛔️💰

    Peter Hegglin (Zug) ⛔️💰

    Fabio Regazzi (Tessin) ⛔️💰

    Benedikt Würth (St.Gallen) ⛔️💰

    Heidi Z’graggen (Uri) ⛔️💰

    Marianne Binder-Keller (Aargau)

    Isabelle Chassot (Freiburg)

    Stefan Engler (Graubünden)💰

    Erich Ettlin (Obwalden)💰

    Daniel Fässler (Appenzell Innerrhoden)💰

    Andrea Gmür-Schönenberger (Luzern)

    Brigitte Häberli-Koller (Thurgau)

    Charles Juillard (Jura)

    Marianne Maret (Waadt)


    Pascal Broulis (Waadt) ⛔️💰

    Damian Müller (Luzern) ⛔️💰

    Petra Gössi (Schwyz) ⛔️💰

    Benjamin Mühlemann (Glarus) ⛔️💰

    Thierry Burkart (Aargau)💰

    Andrea Caroni (Appenzell Ausserrhoden)💰

    Josef Dittli (Uri)💰

    Johanna Gapany (Freiburg)💰

    Matthias Michel (Zug)💰

    Martin Schmid (Graubünden)💰

    Hans Wicki (Nidwalden)💰


    Marco Chiesa (Tessin)💰

    Esther Friedli (St.Gallen)💰

    Hannes Germann (Schaffhausen)💰

    Werner Salzmann (Bern)💰

    Pirmin Schwander (Schwyz)💰

    Jakob Stark (Thurgau)💰


    Mathias Zopfi (Glarus)

    >__Mouvement Citoyens Genevois (MCG)__

    Mauro Poggia (Genf) ⛔️💰


    Daniel Jositsch (Zürich)

    >Mitte Councillor of States Pirmin Bischof (💰) did not take part in the vote, according to the minutes.

    >Eva Herzog (SP, Basel-Stadt) was not allowed to cast a vote anyway as President of the Council of States.

  2. So I guess the takeaway here is that FDP and SVP don’t like foreigners unless they are russian spies.

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