Donald Trump fordert NBC auf, den 2005 verstorbenen Johnny Carson zurückzubringen


  1. PrettyBeautyClown on

    Senile decrepit man doesn’t even know what decade it is but let’s give him the nuclear codes. An old man yelling at the clouds is not what I want in a president! And why is he soooo angry all the time, have a chill old fella.

  2. countertopwise on

    No one on either side of the aisle with an ounce of common sense and pays any amount of attention to US presidential politics believes Trump sincerely, thought Johnny Carson was still alive. There’s so much stuff like this in media l now.  And Not just from stupid click bait articles like this but networks too. 
    No one should  to believe anything in the media until  they’re also heard the argument on why it’s BS. Then make your own call

  3. queentracy62 on

    Why is he so hung up on dead people or fictional people? Is it his brain disease??? So weird.

  4. RantCasey-42 on

    This guy is certifiably delusional and not in the current decade..

  5. notafunnyperson1728 on

    “It made you appreciate the greatness of Johnny Carson. These three guys are so bad”

    That’s literally the next sentence. Let’s not pretend he is delusional and thinks Carson is alive.

  6. The quote and context isn’t anywhere near as bad as the headline makes it sound.

  7. HappyOfCourse on

    I can twist someone’s words to make them sound stupid, too.

    I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are smart enough to know he did not literally mean bring back a dead person.

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