Neues kalifornisches Gesetz verlangt Kündigung von Abonnements mit nur einem Klick / Die Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, die Kündigung wiederkehrender Abonnements wie etwa von Streaming-Videodiensten, Fitnessstudio-Mitgliedschaften und Online-Zeitungen zu erleichtern.

    New California law requires one-click subscription cancellations


    1. AFresh1984 on

      >  will require companies that offer **automatic subscription renewals through one-click purchases** to also offer customers a way to cancel their subscriptions through the same one-click method.

      Unless the article is wrong. Just seems like another built in loophole. 

    2. This is great. At the very least anything you sign up for online should be able to be canceled online, especially automatic renewal. You should not have to call a company to cancel.

      Edit. They already had that law, but companies made it so you had to go through a long online process. This is even better now.

      >While the law was good in theory, it contained at least one loophole: Companies were in compliance as long as they offered a way for customers to cancel their subscriptions online, but could make them click several links or visit several webpages with opt-in requirements before a cancellation request was processed.

    3. The_Macho_Madness on

      Only the people subbing to online newspapers need the help imo

    4. DanielPhermous on

      This is great but, still… Two clicks maybe? I think “Are you sure?” is not unreasonable.

    5. Amazon does not offer one click. Some how my 5 year keeps signing up to their music service and i usually spend 10 mins trying to cancel.

    6. reading_some_stuff on

      How exactly does California think they are going to enforce a law on a company that does not have a business nexus in California?

      California has no jurisdictional authority outside of its borders.

      Imagine if California limited the speed limit to 45 and then sent a speeding ticket to people driving in Florida.

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