Deutscher Politiker muss 20.000 Euro Strafe zahlen, weil er seine Zwiebelplantage in Weißrussland, auf der politische Gefangene als Arbeitskräfte arbeiten, nicht deklariert hat.
Von OhNastyaNastya
This is what’s called to pull a “Reverse Schindler”
> Jörg Dornau, a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany
Not a surprise he’s from the nazi party.
They aren’t political prisoners, they are merely bad people that are very unfriendly to Lukashenko and Russia. And who work for nothing and are beaten silly for slacking off.
Is it like earning 100000, paying 20000 fine?
Not bad at all.
Alternative für Rußland und Belarus…
So the price of being a slaver in Germany is 20k eur? Hmm..
A patriot once again! No one in their spheres will even hear about it sadly