Australien ersucht die USA um Genehmigung zur Lieferung von M1A1-Abrams-Panzern an die Ukraine. Australische Medien berichten, dass Australien in Gesprächen mit Washington die Möglichkeit prüft, 59 seiner kürzlich außer Dienst gestellten Panzer nach Kiew zu liefern.


  1. We want to give our M1s to Ukraine? I would have sworn we’ve only had them for a few years.

  2. Any-Progress7756 on

    Awesome – finally a bit of good news from Australian government. It would of made sense to keep them in reserve for Australia, but giving them to Ukraine is definitely a solid thing to do.

  3. johnsmith1234567890x on

    Are these export version or same as US spec with special armor? Because otheriwise this will be unlikely approved

  4. Ukraine already has a supply and maintenance on the ones sent by US, why not send more or even for parts. I know the maintenance on these is heavy, but I think they still might be able to use them. They have nice heavy armour.

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